What if a pet gets sick?

Most people who have ever had pets have such experience – I don’t know why, hairy children have symptoms such as diarrhea, vomiting, constipation and so on. In this case, taking probiotics is the first solution that many people think of.

However, there are many kinds of pet probiotics on the market, including domestic brands and imported brands, common powders, and some plasters and syrups. The price difference is also large. So, what qualities should a good probiotic product have?

Quality 1: high quality strain source

Probiotics can be obtained not only from crops such as apples, bananas and onions, but also from foods such as yogurt. The probiotics in the latter have been industrialized. The probiotics for pets mainly come from the latter. At this time, the source of bacteria is very important.

Quality 2: reasonable strain structure

Probiotics are divided into bacterial probiotics and fungal probiotics. Bacterial probiotics regulate the balance of intestinal flora through adhesion, colonization and reproduction in the intestinal epithelium. They also synthesize B vitamins and some digestive enzymes to jointly provide nutrition for the body and help digestion. Fungal probiotics can help adhere to receptors or secrete substances that adhere to harmful bacteria, prevent harmful bacteria from adhering to intestinal epithelium, and neutralize harmful bacteria from excreting with feces.

Quality 3: strong activity guarantee

CFU is an important index to measure the quality of probiotics, that is, the number of bacteria in unit content. The higher the number of effective bacteria, the better the effect, and of course, the higher the cost. Among the current probiotic products, reaching 5 billion CFU belongs to the top level of the industry.

Quality 4: compatible with antibiotics

When pets need to take probiotics, they often have problems with their intestinal health. If it is gastrointestinal parasitic infection, pancreatitis, enteritis, cholangitis and so on, antibiotics are usually needed. In this case, the effect of probiotics will be affected to some extent. Because antibiotics can not only kill harmful bacteria, but also kill probiotics, affecting the function and absorption of probiotics.

To sum up: good probiotics should have the qualities of high-quality bacterial source, reasonable strain structure, strong activity guarantee and compatibility with antibiotics.

Weekly recommended – probiotic + vita paste


Pets supplement with comprehensive vitamins and minerals, provide the best nutrition for pets in adulthood, pregnancy and weaning period, and improve pet health. At the same time, it is used to prevent and improve the phenomena of weakness and disease, indigestion, low immunity, poor hair color, unbalanced nutrition and so on. Suitable for dogs at all growth stages.

Post time: Sep-18-2021