What are the manifestations of bad stomach and intestines in dogs?

intestinal disease dog

1.Vomiting or acid reflux

Frequent vomiting, retching, or vomiting of undigested food, even with yellow bile or foam.

2.Diarrhea or soft stools

The excrement is watery, mucous or bloodstained and may be accompanied by a foul odor; Some dogs become constipated or have difficulty defecating.


Sudden refusal to eat, significantly reduced food intake, or pica (such as chewing grass, eating foreign bodies).

4.Bloating or abdominal pain

Abdominal distension, palpation sensitivity, the dog may bow, frequently lick the abdomen or appear restless.

5.Poor mental state

Decreased activity, lethargy and, in severe cases, dehydration (e.g. dry gums, poor skin elasticity).

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Post time: Feb-25-2025