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Symptoms and treatment of dog gastritis

 Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in dogs

1 clinical signs and symptoms

Canine gastritis is a common digestive disease in dogs with diverse and obvious symptoms. First, the dog may experience vomiting, which can be undigested food, foamy mucus or gastric juices, and in severe cases may be accompanied by yellow bile and blood. Second, diarrhea is also a common symptom of dog gastritis, stool is liquid, with mucus, blood or light yellow, and may be accompanied by a strong odor. In addition, dogs may show symptoms of abdominal pain, which may be constant or intermittent and may be accompanied by decreased appetite and lethargy.

When dogs experience these symptoms, owners need to pay extra attention, because as the condition worsens, the dog may develop dehydration and acidosis. At this time, the dog’s skin will lose elasticity, the eyeball will sink, the conjunctiva will cyanosis, and the urine output will decrease. In severe cases, dogs may even go into a coma or die from self-poisoning.

2 Prevention and control measures

First, the prevention and treatment measures of acute gastritis in dogs are:

Fasting: It should be fasted for at least 24 hours to allow its gastrointestinal tract to get adequate rest. If vomiting does not occur during this period, small amounts of water can be given several times.

Rehydration: In order to prevent dehydration, the dog needs to be rehydrated by giving 5% glucose injection and 15% potassium chloride injection by intravenous drip.

Antiemetic: intramuscular injection of metoclopramide 1 mg/kg body weight, twice a day.

Anti-inflammatory: General acute gastritis does not need to use antibiotics, if necessary, gentamicin, kanamycin can be used.

Second, the prevention and treatment measures of chronic gastritis in dogs are:

First of all, we should pay attention to the dietary hygiene of the affected dog, avoid overeating, avoid eating raw and cold, hard, rough, difficult to digest feed, reduce high-fat food and stimulant drugs, pay attention to keep warm in winter and when bathing, to prevent colds and abdominal cold. Secondly, the drug treatment can be targeted to use weisulpine, cimetidine, multi-enzyme tablets and other acid to aid digestion; Metoclopramide and cholamine are suitable for reflux gastritis. Prebose, mobutylline and so on promote gastric emptie; Sulfoaluminum tablets, aluminum hydroxide gel and vitamins can protect gastric mucosa.

Post time: Jun-05-2024