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Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in dogs

Dog bronchitis is a chronic inflammatory disease of the respiratory tract, which can cause repeated symptoms such as wheezing, shortness of breath, and cough in dogs. It usually occurs at night or early in the morning. Symptoms range from mild to severe and can be life-threatening in severe cases.

Symptoms and treatment of bronchitis in dogs

01 The main symptoms are

Cough: This is the most obvious symptom of dog bronchitis, generally manifested as a dry cough, to the onset of cough relief, mainly wheezing. Towards the end of preparation, the bronchospasm and mucosal edema are reduced, a large amount of secretions are discharged, and the cough is aggravated and sputum is coughed up.

Difficulty breathing: The dog may have shortness of breath or difficulty in a sitting position with its head extended forward and panting hard. Attacks last from a few minutes to a few hours. Visual mucosal cyanosis is even present in some cases. It usually goes into remission on its own or after treatment.

Runny nose and sneezing: Your dog may discharge mucus, mucus or even purulent nasal fluid from its nostrils, which increases after coughing.

Decreased appetite: Due to throat discomfort, a dog’s appetite may be greatly reduced or even anorexic, which can lead to weight loss or dehydration.

Lethargy: Dogs may exhibit lethargy, feel tired easily, like to lie on the ground, and often become drowsy.

Changes in body temperature: When the inflammation reaches deep into the lungs, the dog’s body temperature may rise, presenting symptoms of fever.

02 Prevention and control measures

Medication: Under the guidance of a veterinarian, antibiotics, antiviral drugs, etc. are used to control the infection and reduce symptoms. Antitussive drugs can choose aminophylline, ephedrine.

Keep quiet: For sick dogs, they should be kept in a quiet environment to avoid excessive activity to aggravate symptoms.

Nutritional supplements: Anorexic or dehydrated dogs must be given intravenous fluids to replenish water and nutrients.

Regular vaccinations: By regularly vaccinating your dog, you can effectively prevent bronchitis caused by viral infections, such as adenovirus, canine distemper virus, etc.

Pay attention to environmental hygiene: keep the dog’s living environment clean, avoid irritating gas, smoke stimulation, regular disinfection and cleaning of the dog’s living environment.

Post time: Jun-05-2024