Several diseases causing pain and inability to open cat eyes

Cat’s delicate eyes

cat eye problem

The eyes of cats are so beautiful and versatile, so some people name a beautiful stone “cat eye stone”. However, there are also many diseases related to cat eyes. When owners see red and swollen cat eyes or secrete a large amount of mucus, they will definitely feel uneasy, but in most cases, this can be treated. Cat eyes, like human eyes, are very complex organs. Their pupils can control the intake of light by expanding and contracting, the cornea controls the passage of light through retinal detection, and the third eyelid protects the eyes from harm. Today’s article analyzes common diseases of cat eyes based on weight.

1: The most common eye disease is conjunctivitis, commonly known as red eye disease, which refers to inflammation of the membranes on the anterior part of the eyeball and the inner surface of the eyelids. Infected cats may experience redness and swelling around their eyes, accompanied by mucous secretions, which may cause slight discomfort, scratching, and congestion in their eyes. Feline herpesvirus is the most common cause of conjunctivitis, and other bacteria invading the eyes, foreign objects in the eyes, environmental stimuli, and even allergies can all lead to conjunctivitis. The treatment of conjunctivitis will choose a combination of antibiotics or antiviral drugs based on the cause.

 cat eye problem

2: Just as common as conjunctivitis is keratitis, which is simply corneal inflammation. The cornea is a transparent protective film in front of the eye, and keratitis usually manifests as the cornea becoming cloudy, with something resembling white mist, which in turn affects the cat’s vision. Symptoms of keratitis include redness and swelling of the eyes, excessive secretion, excessive tears, discoloration of the cornea, frequent scratching of the eyes by cats, and avoidance of strong light. The most common cause of keratitis is also corneal damage caused by herpes virus infection, or an overactive immune system that attacks the cornea improperly. Keratitis is much more painful than conjunctivitis, so it is unlikely to heal on its own, and in most cases requires treatment with eye drops and medication.

 cat eye problem

3: Corneal ulcer is a relatively serious eye injury, which is a scratch or abrasion on the cornea, usually caused by trauma or an outbreak of herpes virus. On the outside, the eyes are usually red and teary, congested, and even bleeding. Upon closer inspection, there are dents or scratches on the surface of the eyes, swelling, turbidity, and secretions near the ulcers. Cats frequently scratch their eyes with their paws and cannot open them when they close them. Corneal ulcers can cause pain and discomfort in cats. If left untreated, the ulcer may cause serious damage to the cornea, and even lead to perforation and blindness. In most cases, a combination therapy of antibiotics and painkillers eye drops may be necessary.

Relatively severe cat eye disease

4: Retinal atrophy or degeneration refers to the thinning of the inner layer of the retina with age, which is related to genetics. Generally speaking, the disease develops silently, and cats do not feel pain or show any symptoms in other parts of their body. The cat’s vision only gradually deteriorates over time, and eventually loses its vision completely. However, cats should still be able to live normally, but pet owners need to ensure the safety of their living environment.

5: Third eyelid protrusion, also known as cherry eye, is mainly characterized by redness and swelling of the third eyelid, which can damage its vision. However, generally speaking, this disease may gradually disappear after a few months, and may not even require treatment.

 cat eye diseases

6: Horner’s syndrome is a neurological disorder that may be caused by nerve damage, neck and spinal injuries, blood clots, tumors, and nerve infections caused by otitis media infections. Most symptoms are concentrated in one side of the eye, including pupil constriction, cherry eyes, drooping upper eyelids that prevent the eyes from opening, and sunken eyes that feel like the cat cannot open its eyes. Fortunately, this disease does not cause pain.

7: Like glaucoma, cataracts are mainly a disease of dogs, and the probability of cats appearing is relatively low. They manifest as cloudy eyes with a layer of gray white mist gradually covering the surface of the pupil lens. The main cause of cat cataracts may be chronic inflammation, which gradually manifests as cats age. Genetic factors are also a major cause, especially in Persian and Himalayan cats. Cataract is also an incurable disease that gradually loses all vision in the end. Cataract can be treated through surgical replacement, but the price is relatively expensive.

 pet eye diseases

8: Eyelid inversion refers to the inward reversal of the eyelids around the eyes, causing constant friction between the eyelashes and eyeballs, resulting in pain. This is usually observed in certain breeds of cats, such as flat faced Persian cats or Maine Coons. Symptoms of entropion include excessive tears, redness of the eyes, and strabismus. Although eye drops can temporarily relieve some pain, the final treatment still requires surgery.

9: Virus infection leads to eye diseases. Many viruses in cats often lead to eye diseases. The most common ones are feline herpesvirus, feline calicivirus, feline leukemia, feline AIDS, feline abdominal transmission, Toxoplasma gondii, cryptococcal infection, and chlamydia infection. Most viral infections cannot be completely cured, and recurrent episodes are a common problem.

Unrecoverable cat eye disease

If the above ophthalmic diseases are mild, the following are several serious diseases in cat ophthalmology.

10: Glaucoma in cats is not as common as in dogs. When too much fluid accumulates in the eyes, causing significant pressure, glaucoma can occur. The affected eyes may become cloudy and red, possibly due to pressure causing eye protrusion and pupil dilation. Most cases of feline glaucoma are secondary to chronic uveitis, and may also occur in some special breeds of cats, such as Siamese and Burmese cats. Glaucoma is a serious disease that can even lead to blindness, and since it cannot be completely cured, lifelong medication or enucleation surgery is usually required to alleviate the pain caused by the disease.

 Unrecoverable cat eye disease

11: Uveitis is an inflammation of the eye that typically causes pain and can lead to other complications such as cataracts, glaucoma, retinal degeneration or detachment, and ultimately permanent blindness. The symptoms of uveitis include changes in pupil size, opacity, redness, excessive tearing, strabismus, and excessive discharge. About 60% of the diseases can not find the cause, and the rest may include tumor, cancer and infectious diseases, including feline transmission, feline AIDS, feline leukemia, Toxoplasma gondii, Bartonella. Generally speaking, when a cat is found to have uveitis, it is believed that there may be a systemic disease, so more examinations may be needed, and systemic antibiotics or other drugs may be used.

12: Retinal detachment and hypertension are the most common causes of retinal detachment. This usually occurs simultaneously with kidney disease or hyperthyroidism in cats, and elderly cats may be affected. Pet owners may notice that their cat’s pupils dilate or vision changes. When high blood pressure is under control, the retina may reattach and vision gradually recovers. If left untreated, retinal detachment may lead to irreversible blindness.

 Unrecoverable cat eye disease

13: External injuries caused by fighting and contact with chemicals can lead to serious eye injuries in cats. The symptoms of eye injury include congestion, redness, tearing, excessive secretion, and purulent infection. When a cat has one eye closed and the other eye open, it needs to consider whether there is any injury. Due to eye trauma, the condition may gradually worsen and even lead to blindness, so it is best to see a veterinarian or veterinary ophthalmologist immediately.

There are many eye diseases in cats, which are areas that pet owners need to pay more attention to during the breeding process.

Post time: Oct-11-2024