Cat toe cat ringworm how to deal with?
Cat toe cat ringworm how to deal with? Tinea on the toes of the cat is to be treated in time, because the cat tinea spreads quickly, if the cat scratches the body with its PAWS, it will be transmitted to the body. If the owner does not know how to deal with cat ringworm, you can refer to ...Read more -
How many types of pet skin diseases are there? Is there a universal remedy?
How many types of pet skin diseases are there? Is there a universal remedy? ONE I often see pet owners shooting cat and dog skin diseases on certain software to ask how to treat them. After reviewing the content in detail, I found that most of them had undergone incorrect medication be...Read more -
Sudden cooling of pet gastrointestinal diseases!
Sudden cooling of pet gastrointestinal diseases! Last week, there was a sudden large-scale snowfall and cooling in the northern region, and Beijing also suddenly entered winter. I drank a pack of cold milk at night, but suddenly experienced acute gastritis and vomiting for several days. Or...Read more -
Avian Influenza
1. Overview: (1) Concept: Avian influenza (avian influenza) is a systemic highly contagious infectious disease in poultry caused by certain pathogenic serotype strains of type A influenza viruses. Clinical symptoms: difficulty breathing, decreased egg production, serosal hemorrhage in organs thro...Read more -
Olive Egger
Olive Egger An Olive Egger is not a true chicken breed; it’s a mix of a dark brown egg layer and a blue egg layer. Most Olive Eggers are a mix of Marans chicken and Araucanas, where Marans lay dark brown eggs, and Araucanas lay light blue eggs. Egg Color Crossbreeding these chickens resul...Read more -
Characteristics of lactating kittens
Characteristics of lactating kittens Cats in the lactation stage have fast growth and development, but are not mature enough physiologically. In terms of breeding and management, they must adapt to the following characteristics: (1) Newborn kittens grow rapidly. This is based on its vigoro...Read more -
Symptoms and treatment of feline calicivirus infection
Symptoms and treatment of feline calicivirus infection Cat calicivirus infection, also known as feline infectious rhinoconjunctivitis, is a type of viral respiratory disease in cats. Its clinical features include rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and pneumonia, and it has a biphasic fever type. The disea...Read more -
What causes cats to pee frequently, one drop at a time?
What causes cats to pee frequently, one drop at a time? The cat frequently goes to the toilet and only urinates one drop each time, may be because the cat suffers from cystitis or urethritis and urethral stone caused, under normal circumstances, urethral stone female cat is not get, generally o...Read more -
How different is owning a dog from owning a cat?
How different is owning a dog from owning a cat? FACE SCORE If you are a person who has high requirements for face score, since we now call “appearance control”, the editor recommends that it is most suitable for you to raise a cat. Cats are definitely responsible for the beauty of ...Read more -
Symptoms of Newcastle Disease
Symptoms of Newcastle Disease The symptoms vary a lot depending on the virus strain causing the disease. One or more of the following body systems are attacked: the nervous system the respiratory system the digestive system Most infected chickens will show respiratory problems such as: gasping ...Read more -
What is Newcastle Disease?
What is Newcastle Disease? Newcastle disease is a widespread, highly contagious disease caused by the avian paramyxovirus (APMV), also known as Newcastle disease virus (NDV). It targets chickens and many other birds. There are various strains of the virus circulating. Some incur mild symptoms, w...Read more -
How different is owning a dog from owning a cat?
How different is owning a dog from owning a cat? I Appearance-level aspect If you are a person who demands a high level of appearance, which is what we now call “face control”, Xiaobian suggests that you get a cat is the most suitable. Because the cat is definitely the appearance leve...Read more -
How to treat ringworm on cat toes?
How to treat ringworm on cat toes? Ringworm on cats’ toes must be treated promptly, because ringworm spreads quickly. If the cat scratches its body with its claws, it will be transmitted to the body. If the owner doesn’t know how to deal with cat ringworm, he can refer to the following meth...Read more -
Correction of Dog’s Food Protection Behavior Part 2
Correction of Dog’s Food Protection Behavior Part 2 - one - In the previous article “Correcting Dog Food Protection Behavior (Part 2)”, we detailed the nature of dog food protection behavior, the performance of dog food protection, and why some dogs exhibit obvious food protect...Read more -
Correction of Dog’s Food Protection Behavior Part 1
Correction of Dog’s Food Protection Behavior Part 1 01 Animal resource conservation behavior A friend left a message for me a few days ago, hoping that we can introduce how to correct dog feeding behavior? This is a very big topic, and it may be difficult to clear an article. Theref...Read more