Why are there more and more tumors and cancers in pets now?
Why are there more and more tumors and cancers in pets now? cancer research In recent years, we have encountered more and more tumors, cancers, and other diseases in pet diseases. Most benign tumors in cats, dogs, hamsters, and guinea pigs can still be treated, while malignant cancers have li...Read more -
The most common cause of pet fractures
The most common cause of pet fractures 1. Cat fall injury The frequent occurrence of some diseases in pets this winter is unexpected to me, which is the fracture of various pets. In December, when the cold wind comes, there are also various pet fractures that come with it, including dogs, ...Read more -
Newcastle disease 2
Newcastle disease 2 Clinical symptoms of Newcastle disease The length of the incubation period varies, depending on the quantity, strength, infection route, and chicken resistance of the virus. The natural infection incubation period is 3 to 5 days. 1. Types (1) Immediate viscerotropic Newcastle...Read more -
Tips for Maintaining Pet Health and Well-Being
Tips for Maintaining Pet Health and Well-Being Provide a balanced diet One of the most important things you can do as a pet owner is to feed your furry friend a balanced and nutritious diet. This is so important for the overall well-being of your pet. Make sure to feed your pet high-quality food...Read more -
Eight Things to Keep in Mind in Winter Season for Your Pet
Eight Things to Keep in Mind in Winter Season for Your Pet The winter season is somewhat magical. The ground is white, the houses seem warm with the festive season, and everyone wants to stay indoors. Even so, winter comes with some bitter coldness and numbing wetness with all this magic. Ther...Read more -
How many types of pet skin diseases are there Is there a universal medicine?
How many types of pet skin diseases are there Is there a universal medicine? ONE I often see pet owners taking pictures of cat and dog skin diseases on certain software to ask how to treat them. After reading the content in detail, I found that most of them had undergone incorrect medication ...Read more -
Sudden cooling of pet gastrointestinal diseases!
Sudden cooling of pet gastrointestinal diseases! Last week, there was a sudden large-scale snowfall and cooling in the northern region, and Beijing also suddenly entered winter. I had an acute gastritis and vomited for several days because I drank a pack of cold milk at night. I thought this mi...Read more -
What is cat scratch disease? How to treat?
What is cat scratch disease? How to treat? Whether you adopt, rescue, or just form a deep connection with your adorable cat, you probably give little thought to the potential health risks. Although cats can be unpredictable, mischievous, and even aggressive at times, most of the time they are w...Read more -
Feeding raw meat to dogs may spread dangerous viruses
Feeding raw meat to dogs may spread dangerous viruses 1.A study involving 600 healthy pet dogs has revealed a strong link between feeding raw meat and the presence of E. coli in the dogs’ feces that is resistant to the broad-spectrum antibiotic ciprofloxacin. In other words, this dangerou...Read more -
Infectious cyst disease
Infectious cyst disease Etiological characteristics: 1. Attributes and classifications Infectious cystic disease virus belongs to the double-stranded double-segmented RNA virus family and the double-stranded double-segmented RNA virus genus. It has two serotypes, namely serotype I (chicken-deriv...Read more -
Avian Influenza 2
Avian Influenza 2 1. Diagnosis The diagnosis must be confirmed by laboratory diagnosis. (1) Differential diagnosis of virulent influenza and attenuated influenza Virulent influenza: emergency extermination measures, epidemic reporting, blockade and culling. Attenuated influenza: therapeutic con...Read more -
Newcastle disease
Newcastle Disease 1 Overview Newcastle disease, also known as Asian chicken plague, is an acute, highly contagious and severe infectious disease of chickens and turkeys caused by paramyxovirus. Clinical diagnostic features: depression, loss of appetite, difficulty breathing, green loose stools, a...Read more -
What are Dog Life Stages?
What are Dog Life Stages? Much in the same way as humans, our pets need specific diets and nutrition as they grow through to adulthood and beyond. Therefore, there are specific diets that tailor to each individual life stage of our dogs and cats. Puppy Puppies need more energy to grow an...Read more -
Dog Nutrition
Dog Nutrition Our domesticated canine friends have evolved as a pack animal from the grey wolf. The grey wolf would hunt down prey in an organised pack as a main food source. They would also scavenge for short periods on plant matter, eggs from nests and potentially fruits. As such, they are clas...Read more -
What if the dog gets angry? – How do you defuse it
What if the dog gets angry? – How do you defuse it With the improvement of living standards, the role of the dog is no longer limited to the house guard, now the dog has become a lot of family partners, which also makes the dog’s life better, many owners in order to thrive, choose t...Read more