Dog “soft underbelly”, don’t do this to it


First, their beloved family


Dogs are a symbol of loyalty. Their love for their owners is deep and firm. This is perhaps their most obvious weakness. Even the mildest dogs will go to great lengths to protect their owners if they find them in harm’s way. If possible, they are even willing to sacrifice themselves and show great loyalty


Second, the family cat

For dogs with cats at home, life can seem like an extreme predicament, a daily ordeal. This situation is nothing short of torture! “Why is life so hard for dogs?” Many videos and examples show that you never know when your cat will attack your dog for no reason.


Third, their offspring

For all animals, their offspring are their “weakness”. If you hurt or take away their babies, dogs will do anything to protect them. In this case, if the dog bites you, it’s really not their fault.


Fourth, toys that scare them

This refers to toys that dogs have never seen before and that make sudden noises, such as screaming chickens. Most dogs are scared when they first encounter them, but gradually they get used to it. In addition to buying toys for your dog, you can also buy some chewable chicken dry snacks, etc., so that your dog can slowly bite, but also for a period of time.


Fifth, take medicine

This is a point that many dog owners know well. Whenever the family dog is sick and needs to go to the hospital for treatment, you can always hear all kinds of screams, which is difficult to controlAlso, feeding the drug to the dog is a challenge, you have to find a way to get the dog to swallow the drug without them noticing, or it will become more difficult to feed the drug againIt is recommended to pay attention to the dog’s diet, provide a balanced dog food, and keep the dog healthy to reduce illness and the need to take medication, otherwise it is simply a torture for them.

Post time: Apr-19-2024