

Vitamin B2-riboflavin in the poultry diet

Riboflavin (vitamin B2).Riboflavin is a cofactor in many enzymatic systems in animal and bird organisms.Enzymes containing riboflavin are NADI NADP cytochrome reductase, amber reductase, acrylic dehydrogenase, xanthine oxidase, LI D amino acid oxidase, L-hydroxyl acid oxidase and histaminase, some of which are involved in the life recovery oxidative reaction where respiratory cells are involved.

Signs of failure, Pathology.When chickens eat insufficient riboflavin feed, they grow very slowly and weaken.Appetite is maintained at normal levels, but diarrhea occurs after vitamin deficiency occurs for a week.Chchickens only move if absolutely necessary, and often heel with their wings.It may be tetraplegia, but unlikely, finger paralysis.The pherbone of the finger bends inside the foot, which is particularly evident in birds walking and resting (Fig).Chicks are usually in a resting position.Their wings often droop, and it is impossible to put them in a normal position.The muscles of the limbs are atrophy and loose, the skin is dry and rough and feel rough.Chicks in early stages of vitamin deficiency are inactive but lie separately on their limbs.


The lack of riboflavin in the hen diet shows reduced egg production, increased embryonic mortality and increased liver, in which the fat deposition is severe.The egg hatching rate decreased within 2 weeks after the initiation of insufficient riboflavin feed, but returned to normal within 7 days after the addition of sufficient riboflavin to the diet. Hen embryos fed this low vitamin diet were delayed, manifested by common swelling, degeneration of the wolf body or primary kidney (middle kidney) and defective first villus (hypovillus).The lower part is mace shaped until the feather sac breaks, giving the feathers a distinctive appearance.

Small turkey riboflavin deficiency presents with poor poultry growth, poor plumes, quadriplegia, and conjunctival corners of the mouth and eyelids.Severe dermatitis of the foot and calf, due to swelling of puffy origin, desamation (peeling) and deep fissure, appears in some unformed chicks.

In the massive absence of riboflavin, the sciatic and arm nerves were clearly “swollen” and “softened” in chickens.The sciatic nerve usually changes the strongest, sometimes 4-5 times in diameter.In cases of dactyly paralysis, degeneration of the neuromuscular terminal plate of the motor nerve.Riboflavin is required for peripheral nerve myelin exchange.One or more branches of the sciatic nerve have myelinated degeneration.Similar changes occurred in the arm nerves.In some cases, the myofibers are also in a completely broken state.

The nervous system of embryos produced by hens fed riboflavin-deficient feed unable to hatch appeared similar to degeneration as described in riboflavin-deficient hens.

For chickens fed this vitamin-deficient feed, except with more signs of classical neurological lesions, the changes in the pancreas and duodenum were similar to those described for thiamine deficiency.

Allow me to recommend the product gold vitamins to you

Gold vitamins

“Product Composition Analysis Assurance Value”


Vitamin B2/(mg/kg)≥ 3000
Chlorogenic acid content is /%≥ 0.01

[Raw ingredients] Riboflavin (vitamin B2), Dumleaf extract

Glucose [the carrier]

[Humidity] exceeding 10%


1) improves the eggshell color of eggs, birds, reduces the appearance of broken eggs, sand skin eggs, ensure crown pink, bright feathers, increase population uniformity, make the egg reach the peak as soon as possible, and extend the egg peak, increase egg weight, prevent anal pecking and pecking.

2) can improve the survival rate of meat and poultry, accelerate the growth and development of meat and poultry, make the feathers bright, yellow legs, red crown, and better meat.

3) improves the fertilization and hatching rates of the eggs.

4) improves the utilization rate and conversion rate of livestock and poultry feed, and reduces feed waste.

5) maintains the normal function of the reproductive system in seed livestock and improves sperm quality and fertilization rate.

6) This product is used in livestock and poultry after the onset of drug treatment, can quickly supplement nutrition, reduce the occurrence of sudden death, and with a variety of vitamins, amino acids, elements of livestock and poultry to maintain and ensure the normal physiological function of trace elements.

“Method and dosage” this product every 500 grams for 3-5 days, better results.

Animal species

Chicken raising


Make laying hens

Chicken raising

Meat duck

Egg duck

Fat piglets

Pigs are matched with empty sows

Mixed drinks









Mixed rearing










Products should be transported against rain, snow, sun exposure, high temperature, humidity and human damage.Do not mix or transport with toxic, harmful, smelling or other items.

[Storage Methods] is stored in ventilated, dry, light avoiding storage not mixed with toxic and harmful substances.

“Net content” at 500 g / pack

[Shelf life] 18 months.

Post time: Sep-02-2021