Contains per g:
Amprolium HCl 20 mg
Amprolium HCl is a coccidiostat (anti-protozoal) that works by inhibiting the use of thiamine by the protozoal parasites, which results in disruption of cell metabolism. It inhibits the development of merozoites and formation of second-generation meronts. Amprolium is rapidly eliminated (within hours) from the body via kidneys and has a very good safety profile.
Amprolium is used for the treatment and prevention of coccidiosis in calves, sheep, goats, chickens, turkeys, etc with activity against Eimeria spp., especially E. tenella and E. necatrix. It is also effective against other protozoal infections like Histomoniasis (Blackhead) in turkeys and poultry; and amaebiasis in various species.
Do not use in layers producing eggs for human consumption.
Side Effects:
Long-term use may cause delayed growth or poly-neuritis (caused by reversible thiamine deficiency). The development of natural immunity may also be delayed.
Incompatibility With Other Drugs:
Do not combine with other medicines like antibiotics and feed additives.
Dosage And Administration:
Consult your veterinarian.
For oral administration only. Apply via feed or drinking water.
· Poultry: Mix 100g – 150g per 100 litres of drinking water during 5 – 7 days, followed by 25g per 100 litres of drinking water during 1 or 2 weeks. During treatment medicated drinking water should be the only source of drinking water.
· Calves, lambs, kids: Apply 3g per 20kg bodyweight as drench during 1 – 2 days, followed by 7.5 kg per 1,000 kg of feed during 3 weeks.
· Cattle, sheep: Apply 3g per 20kg bodyweight during 5 days (via drinking water).
When mixed with feed, the product should be used immediately. Medicated drinking water should be used within 24 hours. If no improvement is noted within 3 days, evaluate the symptoms to determine the presence of other diseases.
Withdrawal Period:
Meat: 3 days
Milk: 3 days
Store in a cool, dry, place away from moisture and sunlight.
Keep medicine away from children.
100g per pack x 100 packs per carton